글로벌주식 미국 보수인하 미국대표지수 개인연금 퇴직연금 패시브

RISE 미국S&P500 (379780)

2025.02.10 기준

기준가격 (NAV)


- (-%)

주당 시장가격


-5하락 (-0.03%)

※ 전 영업일 종가 기준



순 자산 규모



미국 주식시장을 대표하는 업종 상위 500개 기업에 투자하는 ETF

RISE 미국S&P500 ETF는 규모, 유동성, 산업대표성 등을 감안하여 선정한 미국 주식시장 상위 500개 기업에 시가총액 가중방식으로 투자합니다.


미국 주식시장(S&P, NASDAQ, CBOE)을 대표하는 상위 500개 기업에 투자

전세계 S&P500 ETF 중 최저수준의 총보수(연 0.01 %)로 장기투자에 유리합니다.
국내 주식 거래시간에 손쉽게 미국 대표 종합지수에 투자할 수 있습니다.


거래정보 다운로드

2025.02.10 기준
기본정보: ETF명(종목번호), 기초지수, 상장일, 설정단위(CU), 순 자산(억원), 수탁은행, 현재가(원), 기준가격(NAV), 거래 량 (주) 표
ETF명(종목번호) 기초지수 상장일 설정단위(CU) 순 자산 규모(원)
KB RISE 미국S&P500 증권 상장지수 투자신탁(주식)
S&P 500 Index (KRW)(T-1) 2021.04.09 100,000 890,057,766,757
수탁은행 현재가(원) 기준가격(NAV) 거래량(주)
홍콩상하이은행 (HSBC은행) 19,115
※ 전 영업일 종가 기준
19,141 317,308
기본정보: 총 보수(%), 분배금 지급 기준일, AP, LP 표
총 보수(%) 분배금 지급 기준일
연 0.01% (지정참가회사 : 0.001%, 집합투자 : 0.001%, 신탁 : 0.005%, 일반사무 : 0.003%) 3, 6, 9, 12월 마지막 영업일 및 회계기간 종료일
AP(지정참가회사) LP(유동성공급자)
KB증권, 키움증권, NH투자증권, 삼성증권, 유진투자증권, 한화투자증권, 이베스트투자증권, 메리츠증권, 신한투자증권, 미래에셋증권, 하나증권, IBK투자증권 KB증권, 키움증권, NH투자증권, 삼성증권, 유진투자증권, 한화투자증권, 이베스트투자증권, 메리츠증권, 신한투자증권, 미래에셋증권, 하나증권, IBK투자증권
ETF명(종목번호), 기초지수, 상장일, 설정단위(CU), 순 자산(억원), 수탁은행, 분배금 지급 기준일, 현재가(원), 기준가격(NAV), 거래량(주), 총 보수(%) 표
ETF명(종목번호) 기초지수
KB RISE 미국S&P500 증권 상장지수 투자신탁(주식)

S&P 500 Index (KRW)(T-1)
상장일 설정단위(CU)
2021.04.09 100,000
순 자산 규모(원) 수탁은행
890,057,766,757 홍콩상하이은행 (HSBC은행)
현재가(원) 기준가격(NAV)
※ 전 영업일 종가 기준
AP, LP 표
연 0.01% (지정참가회사 : 0.001%, 집합투자 : 0.001%, 신탁 : 0.005%, 일반사무 : 0.003%)
분배금 지급 기준일
3, 6, 9, 12월 마지막 영업일 및 회계기간 종료일
KB증권, 키움증권, NH투자증권, 삼성증권, 유진투자증권, 한화투자증권, 이베스트투자증권, 메리츠증권, 신한투자증권, 미래에셋증권, 하나증권, IBK투자증권
KB증권, 키움증권, NH투자증권, 삼성증권, 유진투자증권, 한화투자증권, 이베스트투자증권, 메리츠증권, 신한투자증권, 미래에셋증권, 하나증권, IBK투자증권


미국 주식 시장을 대표하는 500개 종목을 유동시가총액 가중방식으로구성한 지수로, 미국 전체 주식시장의 약 80%를 커버하는 미국대표 종합지수입니다.

지수정보 자세히 보기

TOP10 구성 종목

2025-02-10 기준
TOP10 구성 종목 : 순위, 보유종목, 비중(%) 표
순위 보유종목 비중(%)
1 Apple Inc 6.85
2 NVIDIA Corp 6.13
3 Microsoft Corp 6.00
4 Amazon.com Inc 4.34
5 Meta Platforms Inc 3.01
6 Alphabet Inc 2.17
7 Broadcom Inc 2.10
8 Tesla Inc 2.03
9 Alphabet Inc 1.79
10 Berkshire Hathaway Inc 1.70

분배금 지급현황

· 최근 3년의 분배금 지급 현황을 공지해 드립니다.
분배금 지급현황: 분배금 기준일, 분배금 실지급일, 주당분배금(원), 주당과세표준액(원) 표
지급기준일 실지급일 분배금액(원) 주당과세
2024-12-30 2025-01-03 65 65
2024-09-30 2024-10-04 50 50
2024-06-28 2024-07-02 50 50
2024-03-29 2024-04-02 50 50
2023-12-28 2024-01-03 45 45
2023-10-31 2023-11-02 45 45
2023-07-31 2023-08-02 45 45
2023-04-28 2023-05-03 40 40
2023-01-31 2023-02-02 37 37
2022-10-31 2022-11-02 40 40
2022-07-29 2022-08-02 30 30
2022-04-29 2022-05-03 25 25



엑셀 다운로드

2025-02-10 기준

 (단위: %)

수익률 표는 분배금 재투자를 가정한 세전 수익률 기준입니다.

운용성과 : 구분, 최근 1개월, 최근 3개월, 최근 6개월, 최근 1년, 최근 3년, 연초이후, 상장이후 표
구분 최근 1개월 최근 3개월 최근 6개월 최근 1년 최근 3년 연초이후 상장이후
2.47 6.54 23.51 34.01 69.09 0.23 98.85
기초지수 - - - - - - -
초과성과 2.47 6.54 23.51 34.01 69.09 0.23 98.85

일별 수익률

엑셀 다운로드

일별 수익률 : 일자, 시장가격(원)(종가, 등락률(%)), 기준가격(원)(종가, 등락률(%)) 표
일자 시장가격(원) 기준가격(원)
종가 등락률(%) 종가 등락률(%)
2025.02.07 19,115 -0.026하락 19,141.03 0.370상승
2025.02.06 19,120 1.298상승 19,070.42 0.619상승
2025.02.05 18,875 -0.788하락 18,953.01 -0.551하락
2025.02.04 19,025 0.661상승 19,058.03 -1.025하락
2025.02.03 18,900 -1.741하락 19,255.4 0.464상승
2025.01.31 19,235 1.050상승 19,166.4 0.694상승
2025.01.24 19,035 0.236상승 19,034.5 0.130상승
2025.01.23 18,990 0.263상승 19,009.66 0.591상승
2025.01.22 18,940 0.771상승 18,897.83 0.755상승
2025.01.21 18,795 -0.660하락 18,756.12 -0.840하락
2025.01.20 18,920 0.371상승 18,915.11 0.537상승
2025.01.17 18,850 0.026상승 18,814.1 -0.102하락
2025.01.16 18,845 1.535상승 18,833.38 1.529상승
2025.01.15 18,560 -0.375하락 18,549.64 -0.026하락
2025.01.14 18,630 0.377상승 18,554.61 -0.348하락
2025.01.13 18,560 -1.171하락 18,619.44 -1.132하락
2025.01.10 18,780 0.133상승 18,832.88 0.294상승

구성종목(PDF) 현황

구성종목(PDF) 현황: 번호, 종목명, 종목코드, 주식수(주)/액면(원), 보유비중(%), 평가금액(원) 표
번호 종목명 종목코드 주식수㈜
/ 액면(원)
보유비중(%) 평가금액(원)
1 설정현금액 CASH00000001 1,914,102,016 100 1,914,102,016
2 Apple Inc US0378331005 388.15 6.85 131,061,143
3 NVIDIA Corp US67066G1040 629.88 6.13 117,348,473
4 Microsoft Corp US5949181045 190.91 6 114,932,439
5 Amazon.com Inc US0231351067 240.3 4.34 83,090,471
6 Meta Platforms Inc US30303M1027 55.98 3.01 57,705,254
7 Alphabet Inc US02079K3059 150.04 2.17 41,620,867
8 Broadcom Inc US11135F1012 119.93 2.1 40,172,113
9 Tesla Inc US88160R1014 71.71 2.03 38,862,552
10 Alphabet Inc US02079K1079 122.21 1.79 34,203,428
11 Berkshire Hathaway Inc US0846707026 47.07 1.7 32,521,562
12 JPMorgan Chase & Co US46625H1005 72.29 1.51 28,980,758
13 Eli Lilly & Co US5324571083 20.23 1.33 25,492,261
14 Visa Inc US92826C8394 44.38 1.17 22,326,758
15 UnitedHealth Group Inc US91324P1021 23.63 0.95 18,133,470
16 Exxon Mobil Corp US30231G1022 112.86 0.93 17,717,321
17 Costco Wholesale Corp US22160K1051 11.38 0.9 17,316,073
18 Mastercard Inc US57636Q1040 21.05 0.9 17,284,875
19 Walmart Inc US9311421039 111.46 0.87 16,597,088
20 Netflix Inc US64110L1061 10.98 0.84 16,146,106
21 Home Depot Inc/The US4370761029 25.51 0.8 15,296,327
22 Procter & Gamble Co/The US7427181091 60.47 0.77 14,785,184
23 Johnson & Johnson US4781601046 61.82 0.72 13,739,604
24 AbbVie Inc US00287Y1091 45.38 0.66 12,678,353
25 Bank of America Corp US0605051046 171.41 0.62 11,847,511
26 Salesforce Inc US79466L3024 24.55 0.61 11,758,141
27 Oracle Corp US68389X1054 41.27 0.54 10,298,034
28 Wells Fargo & Co US9497461015 85.5 0.53 10,078,729
29 Chevron Corp US1667641005 42.91 0.49 9,436,802
30 Cisco Systems Inc US17275R1023 102.35 0.48 9,227,313
31 Coca-Cola Co/The US1912161007 99.56 0.48 9,132,898
32 Accenture PLC IE00B4BNMY34 16.04 0.47 8,995,085
33 International Business Machines Corp US4592001014 23.74 0.46 8,710,928
34 Palantir Technologies Inc US69608A1088 52.63 0.44 8,479,281
35 Philip Morris International Inc US7181721090 39.92 0.44 8,398,940
36 General Electric Co US3696043013 27.79 0.43 8,290,692
37 Merck & Co Inc US58933Y1055 64.96 0.43 8,281,022
38 Linde PLC IE000S9YS762 12.23 0.43 8,157,073
39 Abbott Laboratories US0028241000 44.54 0.43 8,268,268
40 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc US8835561023 9.82 0.43 8,142,444
41 McDonalds Corp US5801351017 18.4 0.41 7,841,609
42 Intuitive Surgical Inc US46120E6023 9.15 0.41 7,796,077
43 ServiceNow Inc US81762P1021 5.29 0.41 7,837,313
44 Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The US38141G1040 8.06 0.4 7,680,945
45 PepsiCo Inc US7134481081 35.23 0.39 7,413,721
46 Walt Disney Co/The US2546871060 46.5 0.39 7,546,201
47 QUALCOMM Inc US7475251036 28.53 0.37 6,993,886
48 Adobe Inc US00724F1012 11.3 0.37 7,123,204
49 Advanced Micro Devices Inc US0079031078 41.67 0.35 6,645,933
50 American Express Co US0258161092 14.29 0.35 6,623,603
51 Caterpillar Inc US1491231015 12.4 0.34 6,560,821
52 AT&T Inc US00206R1023 184.25 0.34 6,522,212
53 Morgan Stanley US6174464486 31.86 0.34 6,507,584
54 RTX Corp US75513E1010 34.18 0.33 6,372,781
55 Verizon Communications Inc US92343V1044 108.1 0.33 6,250,896
56 Texas Instruments Inc US8825081040 23.42 0.32 6,214,562
57 S&P Global Inc US78409V1044 8.15 0.32 6,124,684
58 Intuit Inc US4612021034 7.2 0.32 6,152,339
59 Booking Holdings Inc US09857L1089 0.85 0.31 5,882,054
60 Amgen Inc US0311621009 13.8 0.31 5,949,537
61 Boston Scientific Corp US1011371077 37.84 0.3 5,753,494
62 Citigroup Inc US1729674242 48.56 0.3 5,788,224
63 Progressive Corp/The US7433151039 15.04 0.29 5,473,124
64 Uber Technologies Inc US90353T1007 54.07 0.29 5,478,995
65 Union Pacific Corp US9078181081 15.57 0.29 5,489,262
66 Applied Materials Inc US0382221051 21.17 0.29 5,602,806
67 Blackrock Inc US09290D1019 3.74 0.28 5,450,617
68 TJX Cos Inc/The US8725401090 28.96 0.28 5,289,672
69 Pfizer Inc US7170811035 145.52 0.28 5,441,964
70 Lowes Cos Inc US5486611073 14.57 0.28 5,420,217
71 NextEra Energy Inc US65339F1012 52.8 0.28 5,295,264
72 Boeing Co/The US0970231058 19.2 0.27 5,137,026
73 Honeywell International Inc US4385161066 16.7 0.27 5,073,082
74 Fiserv Inc US3377381088 14.61 0.26 4,891,271
75 Stryker Corp US8636671013 8.81 0.26 5,051,919
76 Comcast Corp US20030N1019 98.02 0.26 4,891,753
77 Danaher Corp US2358511028 16.51 0.26 5,019,906
78 ConocoPhillips US20825C1045 33.21 0.25 4,805,258
79 Starbucks Corp US8552441094 29.11 0.25 4,707,647
80 Charles Schwab Corp/The US8085131055 38.39 0.24 4,648,798
81 Palo Alto Networks Inc US6974351057 16.81 0.24 4,560,120
82 Gilead Sciences Inc US3755581036 32 0.24 4,542,153
83 Blackstone Inc US09260D1072 18.54 0.24 4,685,308
84 Automatic Data Processing Inc US0530151036 10.46 0.24 4,679,037
85 Eaton Corp PLC IE00B8KQN827 10.15 0.24 4,641,469
86 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc US92532F1003 6.61 0.24 4,604,680
87 T-Mobile US Inc US8725901040 12.52 0.23 4,480,316
88 Medtronic PLC IE00BTN1Y115 32.93 0.23 4,329,939
89 Arista Networks Inc US0404132054 26.53 0.23 4,427,536
90 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co US1101221083 52.08 0.23 4,329,549
91 Deere & Co US2441991054 6.53 0.23 4,395,983
92 Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc US5717481023 12.61 0.22 4,126,027
93 Lam Research Corp US5128073062 33.04 0.21 3,962,198
94 Prologis Inc US74340W1036 23.78 0.21 4,081,176
95 Micron Technology Inc US5951121038 28.47 0.2 3,896,831
96 GE Vernova Inc US36828A1016 7.08 0.2 3,842,166
97 KLA Corp US4824801009 3.44 0.2 3,794,192
98 KKR & Co Inc US48251W1045 17.33 0.2 3,803,449
99 Analog Devices Inc US0326541051 12.75 0.2 3,836,427
100 Chubb Ltd CH0044328745 9.62 0.2 3,800,627
101 Intercontinental Exchange Inc US45866F1049 14.74 0.19 3,578,387
102 Crowdstrike Holdings Inc US22788C1053 5.97 0.19 3,634,621
103 Constellation Energy Corp US21037T1097 8.03 0.19 3,624,935
104 Equinix Inc US29444U7000 2.48 0.18 3,369,151
105 Southern Co/The US8425871071 28.13 0.18 3,412,482
106 Lockheed Martin Corp US5398301094 5.42 0.18 3,519,570
107 Elevance Health Inc US0367521038 5.95 0.18 3,363,668
108 CME Group Inc US12572Q1058 9.25 0.17 3,273,175
109 Altria Group Inc US02209S1033 43.52 0.17 3,316,754
110 American Tower Corp US03027X1000 12 0.17 3,296,640
111 NIKE Inc US6541061031 30.57 0.17 3,175,158
112 Parker-Hannifin Corp US7010941042 3.31 0.17 3,314,297
113 Duke Energy Corp US26441C2044 19.83 0.17 3,287,854
114 Synopsys Inc US8716071076 3.95 0.16 3,049,155
115 Sherwin-Williams Co/The US8243481061 5.95 0.16 3,146,154
116 Motorola Solutions Inc US6200763075 4.29 0.16 2,994,352
117 Intel Corp US4581401001 110.75 0.16 3,107,463
118 Amphenol Corp US0320951017 30.96 0.16 3,139,016
119 Cigna Group/The US1255231003 7.14 0.16 2,969,180
120 Cadence Design Systems Inc US1273871087 7.04 0.16 3,087,413
121 Trane Technologies PLC IE00BK9ZQ967 5.78 0.16 2,993,335
122 Aon PLC IE00BLP1HW54 5.55 0.16 3,091,336
123 PNC Financial Services Group Inc/The US6934751057 10.19 0.16 2,986,466
124 3M Co US88579Y1010 13.98 0.16 3,082,993
125 United Parcel Service Inc US9113121068 18.78 0.16 3,085,213
126 Welltower Inc US95040Q1040 15.19 0.16 3,131,452
127 Waste Management Inc US94106L1098 9.38 0.16 3,054,495
128 Capital One Financial Corp US14040H1059 9.79 0.15 2,928,907
129 Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc US1696561059 34.99 0.15 2,903,746
130 Mondelez International Inc US6092071058 34.34 0.15 2,875,160
131 Moodys Corp US6153691059 4 0.15 2,912,047
132 OReilly Automotive Inc US67103H1077 1.48 0.15 2,851,435
133 McKesson Corp US58155Q1031 3.26 0.15 2,830,716
134 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc US75886F1075 2.7 0.15 2,822,614
135 Zoetis Inc US98978V1035 11.59 0.15 2,921,733
136 PayPal Holdings Inc US70450Y1038 25.74 0.15 2,928,018
137 Emerson Electric Co US2910111044 14.64 0.14 2,702,039
138 EOG Resources Inc US26875P1012 14.44 0.14 2,648,401
139 Cintas Corp US1729081059 8.8 0.14 2,602,785
140 Colgate-Palmolive Co US1941621039 20.98 0.14 2,602,516
141 Marriott International Inc/MD US5719032022 5.92 0.14 2,596,577
142 Arthur J Gallagher & Co US3635761097 5.63 0.14 2,608,274
143 US Bancorp US9029733048 40.06 0.14 2,768,865
144 TransDigm Group Inc US8936411003 1.44 0.14 2,708,926
145 Air Products and Chemicals Inc US0091581068 5.71 0.14 2,712,630
146 Apollo Global Management Inc US03769M1062 11.48 0.14 2,740,428
147 Autodesk Inc US0527691069 5.52 0.13 2,459,094
148 Becton Dickinson & Co US0758871091 7.42 0.13 2,440,843
149 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd LR0008862868 6.35 0.13 2,484,091
150 Williams Cos Inc/The US9694571004 31.3 0.13 2,538,157
151 Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc US43300A2033 6.26 0.13 2,450,606
152 CVS Health Corp US1266501006 32.31 0.13 2,537,261
153 General Dynamics Corp US369550108A 6.63 0.13 2,452,810
154 Fortinet Inc US34959E1091 16.33 0.13 2,475,850
155 Illinois Tool Works Inc US4523081093 6.9 0.13 2,548,303
156 Northrop Grumman Corp US666807102A 3.52 0.12 2,377,658
157 Ecolab Inc US2788651006 6.47 0.12 2,342,097
158 Roper Technologies Inc US7766961061 2.75 0.12 2,322,857
159 CSX Corp US1264081035 49.52 0.12 2,347,296
160 AutoZone Inc US0533321024 0.44 0.12 2,208,392
161 Bank of New York Mellon Corp/The US0640581007 18.67 0.12 2,335,428
162 Truist Financial Corp US89832Q1094 34.09 0.12 2,376,467
163 Target Corp US87612E106A 11.83 0.12 2,306,728
164 PACCAR Inc US6937181088 13.46 0.11 2,098,401
165 Travelers Cos Inc/The US89417E1091 5.83 0.11 2,090,248
166 Schlumberger NV AN8068571086 36.26 0.11 2,102,513
167 Vistra Corp US92840M1027 8.74 0.11 2,149,622
168 Airbnb Inc US0090661010 11.12 0.11 2,134,315
169 Workday Inc US98138H1014 5.47 0.11 2,200,186
170 Johnson Controls International plc IE00BY7QL619 17.15 0.11 2,185,019
171 NXP Semiconductors NV NL0009538784 6.53 0.11 2,049,845
172 Carrier Global Corp US14448C1045 21.42 0.11 2,022,284
173 Simon Property Group Inc US8288061091 7.87 0.11 2,052,890
174 FedEx Corp US31428X1063 5.77 0.11 2,161,714
175 Norfolk Southern Corp US6558441084 5.81 0.11 2,115,378
176 ONEOK Inc US6826801036 15 0.11 2,080,922
177 HCA Healthcare Inc US40412C1018 4.68 0.11 2,198,919
178 General Motors Co US37045V1008 28.24 0.1 1,959,659
179 Freeport-McMoRan Inc US35671D8570 36.9 0.1 1,984,694
180 Kinder Morgan Inc US49456B1017 49.63 0.1 1,924,258
181 Newmont Corp US6516391066 29.23 0.1 1,899,285
182 Sempra US8168511090 16.27 0.1 1,933,452
183 Phillips 66 US7185461040 10.6 0.1 1,854,185
184 Digital Realty Trust Inc US2538681030 8.01 0.1 1,949,551
185 Copart Inc US2172041061 22.51 0.1 1,929,000
186 Cummins Inc US2310211063 3.52 0.1 1,881,282
187 Discover Financial Services US2547091080 6.45 0.1 1,893,062
188 Allstate Corp/The US0200021014 6.8 0.1 1,889,066
189 Howmet Aerospace Inc US4432011082 10.43 0.1 1,947,971
190 Ameriprise Financial Inc US03076C1062 2.49 0.1 1,952,660
191 American Electric Power Co Inc US0255371017 13.68 0.1 1,983,957
192 Aflac Inc US0010551028 12.84 0.1 1,916,231
193 Axon Enterprise Inc US05464C1018 1.86 0.1 1,824,175
194 United Rentals Inc US9113631090 1.69 0.1 1,833,716
195 Baker Hughes Co US05722G1004 25.41 0.09 1,728,328
196 TE Connectivity PLC IE000IVNQZ81 7.68 0.09 1,628,615
197 American International Group Inc US0268747849 16.02 0.09 1,729,790
198 Dominion Energy Inc US25746U1097 21.57 0.09 1,698,235
199 Paychex Inc US7043261079 8.22 0.09 1,785,256
200 Realty Income Corp US7561091049 22.48 0.09 1,766,951
201 Republic Services Inc US7607591002 5.23 0.09 1,677,726
202 Quanta Services Inc US74762E1029 3.79 0.09 1,706,946
203 Public Storage US74460D1090 4.05 0.09 1,775,964
204 Ross Stores Inc US7782961038 8.52 0.09 1,788,858
205 Fair Isaac Corp US3032501047 0.63 0.09 1,721,432
206 MSCI Inc US55354G1004 2.01 0.09 1,709,612
207 Marathon Petroleum Corp US56585A1025 8.25 0.09 1,814,705
208 MetLife Inc US59156R1086 14.93 0.09 1,808,581
209 Lululemon Athletica Inc US5500211090 2.9 0.09 1,729,117
210 Fidelity National Information Services Inc US31620M1062 13.82 0.09 1,657,912
211 WW Grainger Inc US3848021040 1.14 0.09 1,725,292
212 GE HealthCare Technologies Inc US36266G1076 11.73 0.08 1,503,817
213 Gartner Inc US3666511072 1.98 0.08 1,532,077
214 Kimberly-Clark Corp US4943681035 8.56 0.08 1,594,876
215 Kroger Co/The US5010441013 17.09 0.08 1,606,061
216 L3Harris Technologies Inc US5024311095 4.87 0.08 1,457,115
217 Fastenal Co US3119001044 14.71 0.08 1,589,831
218 Exelon Corp US30161N1019 25.8 0.08 1,535,965
219 Yum! Brands Inc US9884981013 7.17 0.08 1,494,928
220 Prudential Financial Inc US7443201022 9.14 0.08 1,502,197
221 Public Service Enterprise Group Inc US7445731067 12.79 0.08 1,554,162
222 Edwards Lifesciences Corp US28176E1082 15.14 0.08 1,556,078
223 Delta Air Lines Inc US2473617023 16.46 0.08 1,618,587
224 DR Horton Inc US23331A1097 7.49 0.08 1,476,630
225 Crown Castle Inc US22822V1017 11.16 0.08 1,458,048
226 Corteva Inc US22052L1044 17.65 0.08 1,593,526
227 Corning Inc US2193501051 19.79 0.08 1,537,177
228 Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp US1924461023 12.73 0.08 1,605,111
229 Cencora Inc US03073E1055 4.5 0.08 1,603,561
230 AMETEK Inc US0311001004 5.94 0.08 1,572,927
231 Hess Corp US42809H1077 7.1 0.08 1,458,952
232 CBRE Group Inc US12504L1098 7.73 0.08 1,618,066
233 Agilent Technologies Inc US00846U1016 7.38 0.08 1,577,498
234 Valero Energy Corp US91913Y1001 8.13 0.08 1,580,675
235 Verisk Analytics Inc US92345Y1064 3.63 0.08 1,550,113
236 Targa Resources Corp US87612G1013 5.6 0.08 1,613,266
237 Otis Worldwide Corp US68902V1070 10.26 0.07 1,426,767
238 PG&E Corp US69331C108A 56.14 0.07 1,267,960
239 United Airlines Holdings Inc US9100471096 8.45 0.07 1,335,331
240 Vulcan Materials Co US9291601097 3.39 0.07 1,360,558
241 Arch Capital Group Ltd BMG0450A1053 9.62 0.07 1,307,545
242 Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp US9297401088 4.41 0.07 1,324,781
243 Garmin Ltd CH0114405324 3.95 0.07 1,256,880
244 Charter Communications Inc US16119P1084 2.48 0.07 1,268,575
245 Humana Inc US4448591028 3.09 0.07 1,250,757
246 IDEXX Laboratories Inc US45168D1046 2.1 0.07 1,400,277
247 Dexcom Inc US2521311074 10.03 0.07 1,282,533
248 Entergy Corp US29364G1031 11.01 0.07 1,319,695
249 Sysco Corp US8718291078 12.61 0.07 1,300,976
250 ResMed Inc US7611521078 3.77 0.07 1,294,577
251 Xcel Energy Inc US98389B1008 14.75 0.07 1,433,350
252 Kenvue Inc US49177J1025 49.23 0.07 1,411,248
253 Keurig Dr Pepper Inc US49271V1008 28.91 0.07 1,297,532
254 Ingersoll Rand Inc US45687V1061 10.35 0.07 1,384,139
255 IQVIA Holdings Inc US46266C1053 4.43 0.07 1,346,631
256 Ford Motor Co US3453708600 100.23 0.07 1,343,746
257 M&T Bank Corp US55261F1049 4.26 0.07 1,245,552
258 Nasdaq Inc US6311031081 10.63 0.07 1,289,075
259 Old Dominion Freight Line Inc US6795801009 4.83 0.07 1,369,764
260 Occidental Petroleum Corp US6745991058 17.35 0.06 1,180,106
261 Nucor Corp US6703461052 6.03 0.06 1,162,867
262 Monolithic Power Systems Inc US6098391054 1.25 0.06 1,196,063
263 Monster Beverage Corp US61174X1090 17.98 0.06 1,205,255
264 Keysight Technologies Inc US49338L1035 4.46 0.06 1,146,732
265 Lennar Corp US5260571048 6.13 0.06 1,129,345
266 Mettler-Toledo International Inc US5926881054 0.54 0.06 1,061,122
267 Microchip Technology Inc US5950171042 13.79 0.06 1,060,349
268 Martin Marietta Materials Inc US5732841060 1.57 0.06 1,239,810
269 Fifth Third Bancorp US3167731005 17.22 0.06 1,104,448
270 General Mills Inc US3703341046 14.25 0.06 1,222,189
271 HP Inc US40434L1052 24.75 0.06 1,168,157
272 Hartford Financial Services Group Inc/The US4165151048 7.44 0.06 1,222,364
273 Iron Mountain Inc US46284V1017 7.53 0.06 1,157,785
274 GoDaddy Inc US3802371076 3.61 0.06 1,102,646
275 Xylem Inc/NY US98419M1009 6.24 0.06 1,187,284
276 Extra Space Storage Inc US30225T1025 5.44 0.06 1,229,054
277 Rockwell Automation Inc US7739031091 2.9 0.06 1,128,253
278 Raymond James Financial Inc US7547301090 4.7 0.06 1,146,244
279 State Street Corp US8574771031 7.53 0.06 1,085,723
280 Equifax Inc US2944291051 3.18 0.06 1,139,398
281 Diamondback Energy Inc US25278X1090 4.8 0.06 1,112,118
282 DuPont de Nemours Inc US26614N1028 10.73 0.06 1,203,643
283 Electronic Arts Inc US2855121099 6.13 0.06 1,171,501
284 eBay Inc US2786421030 12.3 0.06 1,202,035
285 EQT Corp US26884L1098 15.32 0.06 1,140,732
286 CoStar Group Inc US22160N1090 10.53 0.06 1,192,032
287 Consolidated Edison Inc US2091151041 8.89 0.06 1,228,145
288 Dell Technologies Inc US24703L2025 7.89 0.06 1,209,939
289 Cardinal Health Inc US14149Y108A 6.21 0.06 1,142,285
290 Centene Corp US15135B1017 12.96 0.06 1,100,103
291 Willis Towers Watson PLC IE00BDB6Q211 2.59 0.06 1,225,847
292 Carnival Corp PA1436583006 26.67 0.06 1,059,535
293 AvalonBay Communities Inc US0534841012 3.65 0.06 1,171,989
294 ANSYS Inc US03662Q1058 2.25 0.06 1,129,131
295 VICI Properties Inc US9256521090 27.07 0.06 1,180,853
296 WEC Energy Group Inc US92939U1060 8.12 0.06 1,184,900
297 Tractor Supply Co US8923561067 13.72 0.06 1,053,974
298 Take-Two Interactive Software Inc US8740541094 4.19 0.06 1,110,614
299 PPG Industries Inc US6935061076 5.96 0.05 1,000,088
300 PPL Corp US69351T1060 18.95 0.05 935,835
301 Teledyne Technologies Inc US8793601050 1.2 0.05 886,053
302 Texas Pacific Land Corp US88262P1021 0.48 0.05 930,238
303 Tyler Technologies Inc US9022521051 1.1 0.05 980,790
304 Ventas Inc US92276F1003 10.77 0.05 943,832
305 Veralto Corp US92338C1036 6.35 0.05 905,011
306 Waters Corp US9418481035 1.53 0.05 910,309
307 West Pharmaceutical Services Inc US9553061055 1.86 0.05 889,925
308 Smurfit WestRock PLC IE00028FXN24 12.69 0.05 1,007,919
309 CDW Corp/DE US12514G1085 3.42 0.05 989,601
310 Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc US11133T1034 3 0.05 1,042,546
311 Brown & Brown Inc US1152361010 6.09 0.05 950,219
312 Huntington Bancshares Inc/OH US4461501045 37.31 0.05 926,938
313 Church & Dwight Co Inc US1713401024 6.29 0.05 959,842
314 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co US42824C1099 33.35 0.05 1,031,349
315 American Water Works Co Inc US0304201033 5.01 0.05 899,286
316 Ameren Corp US0236081024 6.86 0.05 960,912
317 Deckers Outdoor Corp US2435371073 3.9 0.05 972,257
318 Darden Restaurants Inc US2371941053 3.02 0.05 876,351
319 DTE Energy Co US2333311072 5.32 0.05 943,993
320 Constellation Brands Inc US21036P1084 4.01 0.05 992,596
321 Corpay Inc US2199481068 1.79 0.05 1,009,542
322 Dover Corp US2600031080 3.52 0.05 1,042,999
323 Dow Inc US2605571031 17.98 0.05 1,009,239
324 Synchrony Financial US87165B103A 10 0.05 987,544
325 T Rowe Price Group Inc US74144T1088 5.71 0.05 921,267
326 Equity Residential US29476L1070 8.77 0.05 915,722
327 Kraft Heinz Co/The US5007541064 22.67 0.05 952,155
328 Global Payments Inc US37940X1028 6.54 0.05 1,052,436
329 Fortive Corp US34959J1088 8.91 0.05 1,029,927
330 Live Nation Entertainment Inc US5380341090 4.03 0.05 875,136
331 NetApp Inc US64110D1046 5.26 0.05 944,617
332 NVR Inc US62944T1051 0.08 0.05 896,448
333 ON Semiconductor Corp US6821891057 10.93 0.04 829,834
334 Northern Trust Corp US6658591044 5.09 0.04 838,626
335 NRG Energy Inc US6293775085 5.2 0.04 777,775
336 McCormick & Co Inc/MD US5797802064 6.47 0.04 724,183
337 Lennox International Inc US5261071071 0.82 0.04 694,960
338 Leidos Holdings Inc US5253271028 3.43 0.04 699,305
339 Mid-America Apartment Communities Inc US59522J1034 3 0.04 689,992
340 FirstEnergy Corp US3379321074 13.17 0.04 765,179
341 Halliburton Co US4062161017 22.56 0.04 832,237
342 Labcorp Holdings Inc US5049221055 2.15 0.04 771,157
343 Kellanova US4878361082 6.9 0.04 820,463
344 Jabil Inc US4663131039 2.9 0.04 695,921
345 Insulet Corp US45784P1012 1.8 0.04 749,679
346 International Flavors & Fragrances Inc US4595061015 6.57 0.04 814,896
347 International Paper Co US4601461035 8.92 0.04 719,847
348 Essex Property Trust Inc US2971781057 1.65 0.04 712,050
349 Eversource Energy US30040W1080 9.41 0.04 802,986
350 Expedia Group Inc US30212P3038 3.15 0.04 787,017
351 Zebra Technologies Corp US9892071054 1.33 0.04 725,556
352 Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc US98956P1021 5.11 0.04 759,727
353 Regions Financial Corp US7591EP1005 23.34 0.04 832,626
354 SBA Communications Corp US78410G1040 2.76 0.04 819,165
355 PulteGroup Inc US7458671010 5.26 0.04 837,773
356 Quest Diagnostics Inc US74834L1008 2.87 0.04 675,799
357 Steel Dynamics Inc US8581191009 3.64 0.04 679,618
358 Southwest Airlines Co US8447411088 15.4 0.04 693,186
359 Edison International US2810201077 9.94 0.04 736,106
360 Packaging Corp of America US6951561090 2.29 0.04 703,938
361 Cooper Cos Inc/The US2166485019 5.11 0.04 704,980
362 Citizens Financial Group Inc US1746101054 11.32 0.04 791,921
363 Clorox Co/The US1890541097 3.18 0.04 679,550
364 Devon Energy Corp US25179M1036 16.87 0.04 816,262
365 Cincinnati Financial Corp US1720621010 4.01 0.04 800,661
366 Hershey Co/The US4278661081 3.79 0.04 835,914
367 Hubbell Inc US4435106079 1.38 0.04 789,175
368 CMS Energy Corp US1258961002 7.67 0.04 758,779
369 Builders FirstSource Inc US12008R1077 2.96 0.04 685,120
370 Cboe Global Markets Inc US12503M1080 2.69 0.04 806,178
371 CenterPoint Energy Inc US15189T1079 16.73 0.04 785,751
372 Coterra Energy Inc US1270971039 18.91 0.04 749,880
373 Warner Bros Discovery Inc US9344231041 57.32 0.04 846,476
374 Seagate Technology Holdings PLC IE00BKVD2N49 5.43 0.04 758,954
375 LyondellBasell Industries NV NL0009434992 6.67 0.04 750,818
376 STERIS PLC IE00BFY8C754 2.54 0.04 829,035
377 Atmos Energy Corp US0495601058 3.99 0.04 826,764
378 Archer-Daniels-Midland Co US0394831020 12.28 0.04 809,832
379 W R Berkley Corp US0844231029 7.73 0.04 688,053
380 Biogen Inc US09062X1037 3.74 0.04 770,901
381 Western Digital Corp US9581021055 8.88 0.04 828,984
382 Weyerhaeuser Co US9621661043 18.66 0.04 822,095
383 VeriSign Inc US92343E1029 2.12 0.04 675,806
384 Ulta Beauty Inc US90384S3031 1.21 0.04 703,538
385 Trimble Inc US8962391004 6.27 0.04 684,186
386 Teradyne Inc US8807701029 4.18 0.04 690,329
387 PTC Inc US69370C1009 3.09 0.04 767,732
388 Tapestry Inc US8760301072 5.98 0.04 711,674
389 Textron Inc US8832031012 4.76 0.03 518,656
390 Tyson Foods Inc US9024941034 7.34 0.03 610,193
391 UDR Inc US9026531049 7.71 0.03 479,877
392 Everest Group Ltd BMG3223R1088 1.1 0.03 535,584
393 Viatris Inc US92556V1061 30.65 0.03 483,688
394 Best Buy Co Inc US0865161014 5.02 0.03 624,608
395 Avery Dennison Corp US0536111091 2.06 0.03 541,854
396 Ball Corp US0584981064 7.66 0.03 568,591
397 Baxter International Inc US0718131099 13.11 0.03 584,794
398 Pentair PLC IE00BLS09M33 4.24 0.03 605,457
399 Amcor PLC JE00BJ1F3079 37.11 0.03 538,890
400 Aptiv PLC JE00BTDN8H13 6.04 0.03 555,114
401 CarMax Inc US1431301027 3.98 0.03 498,664
402 CF Industries Holdings Inc US1252691001 4.47 0.03 544,396
403 JB Hunt Transport Services Inc US4456581077 2.05 0.03 501,679
404 IDEX Corp US45167R1041 1.94 0.03 559,836
405 Akamai Technologies Inc US00971T1016 3.86 0.03 556,671
406 Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc US0152711091 3.99 0.03 558,146
407 Align Technology Inc US0162551016 1.8 0.03 569,107
408 Alliant Energy Corp US0188021085 6.59 0.03 568,071
409 Hologic Inc US4364401012 5.96 0.03 564,760
410 Dollar General Corp US2566771059 5.65 0.03 593,954
411 Dollar Tree Inc US2567461080 5.19 0.03 559,949
412 Revvity Inc US7140461093 3.13 0.03 539,987
413 EPAM Systems Inc US29414B1044 1.46 0.03 558,589
414 Dominos Pizza Inc US25754A2015 0.89 0.03 606,336
415 Stanley Black & Decker Inc US8545021011 3.96 0.03 492,546
416 Snap-on Inc US8330341012 1.35 0.03 664,227
417 Super Micro Computer Inc US86800U3023 12.93 0.03 633,486
418 Principal Financial Group Inc US74251V1026 5.4 0.03 625,449
419 Rollins Inc US7757111049 7.21 0.03 524,645
420 Expeditors International of Washington Inc US3021301094 3.6 0.03 577,081
421 Evergy Inc US30034W1062 5.91 0.03 560,621
422 F5 Inc US3156161024 1.49 0.03 663,216
423 FactSet Research Systems Inc US3030751057 0.98 0.03 665,835
424 Invitation Homes Inc US46187W1071 14.63 0.03 669,541
425 Jacobs Solutions Inc US46982L1089 3.19 0.03 616,474
426 KeyCorp US4932671088 25.45 0.03 661,394
427 Kimco Realty Corp US49446R1095 17.31 0.03 561,626
428 Healthpeak Properties Inc US42250P1030 17.96 0.03 523,170
429 Pool Corp US73278L1052 0.98 0.03 479,583
430 Genuine Parts Co US3724601055 3.57 0.03 610,106
431 First Solar Inc US3364331070 2.75 0.03 667,569
432 Masco Corp US574599106A 5.54 0.03 621,211
433 Las Vegas Sands Corp US5178341070 8.93 0.03 547,149
434 Estee Lauder Cos Inc/The US5184391044 6 0.03 558,213
435 Loews Corp US5404241086 4.64 0.03 583,171
436 Molina Healthcare Inc US60855R1005 1.47 0.03 606,577
437 Gen Digital Inc US6687711084 13.92 0.03 558,651
438 NiSource Inc US65473P1057 11.99 0.03 662,944
439 Omnicom Group Inc US6819191064 5.01 0.03 610,960
440 Nordson Corp US6556631025 1.39 0.02 433,278
441 Molson Coors Beverage Co US60871R2094 4.49 0.02 353,308
442 Moderna Inc US60770K1079 8.7 0.02 423,346
443 News Corp US65249B1098 9.73 0.02 401,482
444 MGM Resorts International US5529531015 5.81 0.02 290,036
445 Lamb Weston Holdings Inc US5132721045 3.66 0.02 315,075
446 Match Group Inc US57667L1070 6.45 0.02 323,012
447 Fox Corp US35137L1052 5.68 0.02 437,819
448 Generac Holdings Inc US3687361044 1.53 0.02 316,121
449 Globe Life Inc US37959E1029 2.15 0.02 373,439
450 A O Smith Corp US8318652091 3.06 0.02 290,226
451 Mosaic Co/The US61945C1036 8.16 0.02 312,954
452 Hasbro Inc US4180561072 3.37 0.02 291,037
453 LKQ Corp US5018892084 6.67 0.02 360,875
454 Juniper Networks Inc US48203R1041 8.5 0.02 443,026
455 Interpublic Group of Cos Inc/The US4606901001 9.56 0.02 383,671
456 Incyte Corp US45337C1027 4.11 0.02 445,986
457 Federal Realty Investment Trust US3137451015 1.96 0.02 314,188
458 Erie Indemnity Co US29530P1021 0.64 0.02 382,562
459 Henry Schein Inc US8064071025 3.2 0.02 369,941
460 Regency Centers Corp US7588491032 4.19 0.02 442,535
461 Ralph Lauren Corp US7512121010 1.03 0.02 407,315
462 Solventum Corp US83444M1018 3.55 0.02 384,346
463 J M Smucker Co/The US8326964058 2.73 0.02 407,897
464 Eastman Chemical Co US2774321002 2.98 0.02 436,880
465 Enphase Energy Inc US29355A1079 3.47 0.02 334,137
466 Pinnacle West Capital Corp US7234841010 2.92 0.02 370,969
467 Skyworks Solutions Inc US83088M1027 4.1 0.02 389,400
468 Paycom Software Inc US70432V1026 1.25 0.02 370,998
469 DaVita Inc US23918K1088 1.16 0.02 288,982
470 Conagra Brands Inc US2058871029 12.26 0.02 443,928
471 Hormel Foods Corp US4404521001 7.46 0.02 315,161
472 Host Hotels & Resorts Inc US44107P1049 17.95 0.02 433,739
473 Jack Henry & Associates Inc US4262811015 1.87 0.02 470,733
474 Albemarle Corp US0126531013 3.02 0.02 345,416
475 CH Robinson Worldwide Inc US12541W2098 3.03 0.02 423,943
476 BXP Inc US1011211018 3.74 0.02 391,975
477 Dayforce Inc US15677J1088 4.05 0.02 385,061
478 Charles River Laboratories International Inc US1598641074 1.31 0.02 315,350
479 Caesars Entertainment Inc US12769G1004 5.45 0.02 287,214
480 Camden Property Trust US1331311027 2.74 0.02 466,912
481 Allegion plc IE00BFRT3W74 2.23 0.02 417,457
482 Bunge Global SA CH1300646267 3.59 0.02 360,141
483 Bio-Techne Corp US09073M1045 4.08 0.02 443,085
484 Assurant Inc US04621X1081 1.32 0.02 410,503
485 APA Corp US03743Q1085 9.5 0.02 297,638
486 Invesco Ltd BMG491BT1088 11.54 0.02 320,284
487 Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd BMG667211046 11.29 0.02 462,255
488 Universal Health Services Inc US9139031002 1.51 0.02 411,941
489 Teleflex Inc US8793691069 1.19 0.02 299,126
490 Paramount Global US92556H2067 15.28 0.01 239,806
491 Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc US9314271084 18.43 0.01 268,163
492 Wynn Resorts Ltd US9831341071 2.38 0.01 277,900
493 AES Corp/The US00130H1059 18.26 0.01 286,046
494 The Campbells Company US1344291091 5.04 0.01 273,488
495 Celanese Corp US1508701034 2.81 0.01 280,266
496 BorgWarner Inc US0997241064 5.61 0.01 245,614
497 Brown-Forman Corp US1156372096 4.68 0.01 211,808
498 Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc US4464131063 1.01 0.01 233,598
499 FMC Corp US3024913036 3.2 0.01 165,211
500 Fox Corp US35137L2043 3.39 0.01 247,659
501 Franklin Resources Inc US3546131018 7.93 0.01 236,394
502 MarketAxess Holdings Inc US57060D1081 0.97 0.01 282,712
503 Millrose Properties Inc US6011371027 2.98 0.01 99,189
504 News Corp US65249B2088 2.88 0.01 137,432
505 Mohawk Industries Inc US6081901042 1.35 0.01 238,394
506 원화예금 KRD010010001 -818,532 -0.04 -818,532
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